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Price: 7.90 add to cart | Description: The RFM95PW high power transceivers feature the LoRa™ long range modem which provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity—while minimizing current consumption. Using Hope RF's patented LoRa™ modulation technique RFM95PW can achieve a sensitivity of over -148dBm using a low cost crystal and bill of materials. The high sensitivity combined with the integrated +20 dBm power amplifier yields industry leading link budget making it optimal for any application requiring range or robustness. LoRaTM also provides significant advantages in both blocking and selectivity over conventional modulation techniques, solving the traditional design compromise between range, interference immunity and energy consumption. These devices also support high performance (G)FSK modes for systems including WMBus, IEEE802.15.4g. The RFM95PW deliver exceptional phase noise, selectivity, receiver linearity and IIP3 for significantly lower current consumption than competing devices |
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